How to Find Friends & Community in College

two friends standing in front of pochi bubble tea cafe in lynnwood

Like many other students this fall, you may land into the category of up-and-coming college freshman. Although starting college can be an exciting transition from childhood to adulthood, this isn’t to say there won’t be challenges along the way. One major factor that was especially hard for me starting college would definitely have to be finding a sense of community amongst a sea of new faces. It’s easy to feel alone in a new environment like this, especially if you’re going to a large university. However, when times feel tough, trust me when I say that every other freshman is in the exact same boat you are. 


Though it may seem overwhelming, the process of making new friends in college isn’t as difficult as it may seem at first. The best part about starting your freshman year is that everyone else is also looking for friends and finding a place to fit in within the school’s community. Here’s a few ways to get you started in your journey of finding the people who are right for you:

Joining a club/sport

This one may seem like the obvious answer, but joining a club or sport is one of the best ways to find people that have similar interests or a way to find a niche that may appeal to your desired major. Many of these on-campus organizations offer free, engaging events and opportunities that you may have not discovered otherwise, and are an awesome way to build community within a topic you enjoy. Joining a club is also a fantastic way to discover new interests you may have not known you had, and could potentially guide you in the direction of finding a major that peaks your curiosity. 

Joining Greek life

Much like joining a club or sport, Greek life is also an awesome way to build long-lasting friendships and helps members to build connections that could potentially lead to mentorship and future career options. Philanthropy is the key foundation for every sorority and fraternity, supporting local and international organizations that bring awareness and raise money for important causes of their choosing. By joining Greek life, not only will you have the opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded, driven men and women, but you will also have access to a community of alumni that can aid in future career options and progression in your major.

Forming study groups

Since studying is already a must for any college student, why not form a study group! By reaching out to other students in your class, studying can become even more efficient by gaining the perspectives and help of others that may be asking the same questions you are. Not only will you gain support within the classroom, the time spent studying outside of class with your study groups can lead to friendships as well. Try grabbing lunch or having a late night study session with your fellow classmates – sometimes a shared struggle (aka studying for an exam or simply being in a hard course)  is the best way to build connections and become even closer than you may have expected!


Keep your dorm doors open

When moving into your freshman dorm, one tactic I’ve found that definitely works is leaving your door open while you’re hanging out in your room – this gives others on your floor the green light to peek in to say hello and introduce themselves! You can also take your own initiative by knocking on other people’s dorms to introduce yourself as well. This may seem a bit strange and forward at first, but trust me when I say it is greatly appreciated! Everyone is looking to make friends and by making the first move, the pressure is removed and I can guarantee other students won’t be “weirded out”! 

Connect through social media

Social media is a fantastic way to find potential friends, reach out to potential roommates, as well as a great way to network for a potential career! By looking through who is following your school’s page, you are bound to find hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other new students who are in the exact same position you are. By following and messaging other students about potentially meeting up or attending freshman events together, you are bound to find at least a few people that will be your perfect friend match! This is also a great way to reach out to students you know in class, and have a way to communicate informally.

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